By starting your design from scratch, you can fully customize your text and the overall panel design. Start by using the best Twitch panel size which we provided above (320 x 160). If you’re looking for an easy way to create a free Twitch panel, you should check out Snappa! You can create a great Twitch panel design with great icons and Twitch images in less than 5 minutes! If you’re looking to get the best possible HD quality from your stream panel, I would recommend doubling up on the Twitch panel dimensions and going with 640 x 320 pixels. Note: Keep your Twitch panel image file size under 2.9 MB to meet Twitch’s requirements! In our case, we made the panel with a 2:1 aspect ratio.

The dimensions of a Twitch panel has a fixed width at 320 pixels and you can adjust the height based on your needs. The best Twitch panel size is 320 x 160 pixels. The purpose of the panel is to provide some more information about a user’s stream or it can be used as a way to direct viewers outside the Twitch platform with external links. If you’re new to the streaming world, a Twitch panel is used as a call-to-action or an info banner under a user’s live stream. It will look perfect on mobile and desktop! Create a Twitch Panel for free! What is a Twitch Panel?

Bonus: We’ve integrated Twitch’s panel size and free custom templates into our design tool.